So you probably found this page on our support site after encountering a bug in Spectre and want to know how to report that over to us. So first up, sorry that you ran into a bug. We know how impactful bugs can be in a game and our time is spent constantly tracking the highest priority ones and working on fixes.
How do I report a bug to you?
- Head over to our bug reporting platform with this link
- You can use the search bar to see if the bug already exists. If it exists, hit that upvote option so we know other folks are running into it. Feel free to leave a comment in the post as well.
- If you can't find a bug that matches, select the "Enter a new bug" option that is directly below the search bar.
- Write up the bug! We have some tips below on that is important information to include in your report.
- Submit it over to us and we will prioritize it against all of the other issues reported. Thanks for helping us out here <3
So what is an example of a "good" bug report?
Bug reports that contain the info below are helpful for our team, and expedites the process on our side to reproduce and prioritize the issue.
- Summary: <One sentence summary of the bug. Make sure to use keywords so people can find your report if they encounter something similar>
- Description: <describe what the undesired behavior that you are experiencing, and the list of steps taken leading up to when the bug occurred; consider all variables such as: were you in a party?, were you in a custom game?, which round were you in?, was this your first match since launching the title?, did you change any default settings?>
- Video/Screenshot: <attached directly in our bug reporting site or link to an image/video hosting site showcasing the undesired behavior>
- Category: <How would you succinctly describe this type of bug? Gameplay issue, a graphical issue, a crash, Menu, etc.>
- Region: <region you are playing in when you encountered the bug, mostly helpful for Online related issues>
- Platform: <what platform you encountered the bug on>
Description: I was in a ranked match and couldn't hear the audio play for the Zeus being defused. We didn't have any abilities or other audio being played when this occurs. It only happens about once every few games.
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Partner with a friend
2. Enter into a casual match
3. Play until defending
4. Allow opposing team to plant the Zeus
5. Stand close to the Zeus
6. Have a teammate defuse the Zeus
Video/Screenshot: <link to video that showcases lack of audio>
Region: North America
Platform: PC
How do I increase the chance my bug is prioritized for a fix?
- Search to see if the bug already exits in our database. If you find it, upvote it! The upvote feature helps us track how many players are running into a specific bug and helps us prioritize it on our side.
- If you make a bug report, include video and screenshots with it. This helps us understand what was going on when you encountered the issue.
- Try to identify clean reproduction steps. The easier it is for us to reproduce the bug on our side the easier it will be to create a fix.
Why is my bug not being fixed?
Not every bug reported to us will be fixed in a future patch. We are a small independent studio and have to carefully balance bug fixes between creating future content (sponsors, maps, etc.).
What do I do if I'm not sure if an issue is a bug or not?
You can submit a ticket to our support team and we can figure it out with you. Sometimes we can figure out a workaround and if we can't we will direct you to the bug reporting site so it can be prioritized against other issues.