Troubleshooting Installation & Update Issues

Basic Troubleshooting Steps

Try out these basic troubleshooting steps that can frequently help with installation and update issues.

Restart Your Computer

When in doubt, restarting your computer can help fix a bunch of one-off technical issues. Make sure to completely restart your computer by doing the following:

    1. Open the Windows start menu
    2. Right-click the Windows icon and hover over Shut down or sign out
    3. Click Restart
Run Steam as an Administrator

Running Steam as an administrator can help ensure it has proper permissions to read and write files to your storage device:

  1. Click the Steam icon on the top left of Steam and click Exit and wait for the application to finish closing
  2. Right-click the Steam icon on your desktop or in your Windows start menu, then click Run as administrator
  3. Click Yes on the User Accounts Control popup
  4. Steam will now launch with administrator permissions
  5. Attempt to download/patch Spectre again
Avast / AVG Anti-virus troubleshooting

If you're getting a Disk Write or Windows Cannot Find Game Executable error, then it's possible your anti-virus software is interfering with the installation process. Follow the steps listed in this KB article to resolve this issue.

Verify Local Game Files

Verifying game files can help initiate a patch/update that wasn't already showing for you, among other fixes.

  1. Right click Spectre in your Steam library and click Properties
  2. Click Installed Files on the left hand side
  3. Click Verify integrity of game files
  4. Try launching the game after this is complete
Clear Steam Download Cache

This will clear out any preexisting files that are in the download cache that may be preventing the game from installing properly.

  1. Click Steam on the top left of the Steam app > Settings > Downloads
  2. Under Clear Download Cache click Clear Cache and confirm
Change Download Region

This will help if you're experiencing slow download speeds, but it can also help if you're failing to connect to the currently selected download region, which may prevent downloading game files entirely.

  1. Click Steam on the top left of the Steam app > Settings > Downloads
  2. Your download region can be changed at the top of this section. Try selecting a different download region and see if that resolves the issue.
Repair Library Folder

In some cases the Steam game library folder may have issues, such as improper permission to write to this folder. This can, at times, prevent the game from installing or patching properly.

  1. Click Steam on the top left of the Steam app > Settings > Storage
  2. Select the storage device that Spectre is downloaded to at the top
  3. Click the ellipsis (...) to the right of the storage device and click Repair Library
New Steam Library Folder

Installing the game to a different storage device (if available) can help in some situations. This can help rule out issues with the original storage device. We can create a new Steam library folder to test this from by doing the following:

  1. Click Steam on the top left of the Steam app > Settings > Storage
  2. Click the drop down menu at the top and click Add Drive
  3. Navigate to where you want to place the new Steam library folder and click Select Folder
  4. When you go to install Spectre, make sure to select this new library as the installation location

If the above steps don't work out, then definitely check out the Steam Installation & Update troubleshooting guide, which has some additional troubleshooting steps.

Anti-Virus Troubleshooting

While Anti-Virus software is there to protect your PC from nefarious software from running rampant on your system, it can also sometimes block safe programs from being installed or updated properly. If you have third-party Anti-Virus software on your PC, then make sure it's completely up-to-date. If that doesn't work, then you may consider temporarily disabling it (at your own risk) and attempting to update/install the game again.