Sometimes games don’t go your team’s way and for those situations you’ll have the option to call for a surrender vote. It must be at least the start of round 2 in Casual Mode before a surrender vote can be initiated. For Ranked Mode you'll need to wait until the start of round 6. Any member of the team can begin a surrender vote by typing:
You'll also see an option to Surrender in the game menu.
Once a surrender vote is started all players on the team must vote Yes in order for it to pass. The voting screen will only appear during the start of the buy phase of a round. If a surrender vote is started in the middle of a round, then the voting process will start during the next round’s buy phase. If the vote fails to pass the team will have to wait until side switch before another surrender vote can be called.
Should a player abandon the match, the remaining team members can start a surrender vote during any round, only the remaining players need to vote Yes for it to pass.
How surrendering affects progression
A team that surrenders won’t receive progress on Contracts that require matches played/won. They also won't receive any Crew points for the match and the surrendered match won't count towards the 3 completed matches required to join a Crew.
In Ranked mode, the team that Surrenders will take the maximum loss in terms of Santai Rating. However, if one or more players abandoned a ranked match before the surrender vote is called, the remaining team members will only lose Santai Rating corresponding to what they would lose if they had lost the rest of the match.