Ranked FAQ


To unlock Ranked mode you’ll need 5 wins in Casual mode. Just like Casual mode, the winning team is the first team to reach 8 rounds won. However, instead of ties happening after 14 rounds with no winner, in Ranked games it will go into overtime mode. In overtime, teams need to win by 2 rounds. But ties can still occur if a match manages to reach 22 rounds played without a winner.

In Ranked, you have the option of playing for Solo Rank or Team Rank. Solo Rank can be earned when you are playing solo, in duos or even as a full trio.

In order to earn Team Rank, you’ll need to be playing Ranked as a 3-stack, and the Party Leader has to select Team Rank before queuing up for a game. Your Team rank is also specific to each unique 3-stack you play together with.

Ranked only has one matchmaking queue, so solo players can be matched up against duos or trios. However, our matchmaking system will take into account party size and player skill levels when matchmaking games in order to create fair matches.


Solo Ranks from lowest to highest are: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Emerald, Ruby, Diamond, and Champion.

Team Ranks from lowest to highest are: Undiscovered, Prospect, Talent, Professional, Elite, International, Superstar, World Class, and Champion.

With the exception of Champion ranks, all ranks are split into 4 Tiers, I through IV, where I is the lowest of the Tiers, and IV the highest.

Santai Rating (SR) are the points used to track your progress up and down the Rank ladder, shown at the bottom of the Post Match Scoreboard.

  1. You'll always gain SR on a win, and only ever lose SR on a loss.
  2. Your SR changes should fall between -40 or +40 in all but the most extreme circumstances
  3. Ties are forced after 22 rounds without a winner, but you'll never lose SR from a tie.

For the players that reach Champion rank, you’ll no longer have a cap on your SR. This means you’ll be able to continue increasing your SR by winning more matches.


In order to see your initial starting Rank you’ll need to complete 5 Ranked placement matches if it is your first time playing Ranked, playing with a new team or it is the start of a new Ranked season. When you are in the process of completing your placement matches you'll see a tracker that shows how many placement matches remain before your initial ranking in the Post Match Scoreboard.

You’ll see a green check ✅ for a win, a red X ❌ for a loss, and a white circle ⚪ for any ties.


After finishing your placement matches, you’ll see additional UI elements on the Post Match Scoreboard for your Ranked matches showing your SR progress.

The progress bar spans 200 SR, indicating the Promotion (200) and Demotion (0) thresholds 

  1. After promotion, you start with 50 bonus SR points as a buffer. Along with the bonus 50 SR, you’ll retain any leftover SR you had since the promotion
  2. Demoted players will drop a Tier and the formula is 200 - 50 - leftover rating. The bonus 50 SR previously gained from a Rank up is removed to prevent any point inflation.


We plan to have Ranked Season last for several months and at the end of each Ranked Season players can earn Ranked Sprays and Charms to showcase their highest rank achieved during a season.